
Toddler Classroom: 16 to 33months

The Toddler Program is dedicated to enhance your child’s sense of self awareness and confidence as they explore their community searching for opportunities for self-expression through play amongst their peers. This classroom focuses on meaningful teachable moments as they discover their feelings and learn to respect others in the process. We all know in the toddler world everything is MINE however at this age smaller children have a difficult time trying to express their thoughts, feelings and needs to others. We felt a way to solve this issue was to introduce all children in this classroom to baby sign language as a way for toddlers to communicate with the outside world. The expectation for early childhood learning for this classroom focuses on teaching toddlers the tools they need to be independent while allowing their sparky personalities to shape their independence.

Younger Preschool : 33 months to 4year old

Younger Preschool ranges from 33months to 4 years of age your child will enter into a new world of cognitive thinking and exploration while embracing their role as an active learner amongst their community of friends. This classroom is set up in different interest areas, here is where your child will explore the different centers in small groups rotating frequently throughout the classroom. One of the most important areas in the classroom is the reading area here is where your child will engage in morning group time with friends learning all about the calendar, seasons, weather, stories and singing. By encouraging each child to participate in daily learning activities will give them the confidence and skills they need to learn and share new knowledge amongst their peers as they work together to problem solve.

Older Preschool 4 – 5 year old

The Older Preschool age group is 4-5 years of age here your child will actively engage in learning strategies in each educational developmental domain such as writing in journals, simple addition and subtraction, science exploration, graphing and much more. Curriculum will engage each child to think on a deeper level as a Kindergartener, they will do educational work sheets to promote math and literacy. This approach will cognitively prepare your child and family for the homework that will follow in the years to come. Upon request your teacher will send home a small packet of homework to be done over the weekend. Active play is also very important at this age and this classroom is also set up with defined interest areas for pretend play. We also allow time for technology as your child will also engage in an online virtual classroom ABC MOUSE which can be accessed at home as well with the approval of your child’s teacher.